Selling trip and new designs!

Hey all,

Its been a while... sorry been very busy this end but I haven't actually fallen off the face of the plant after all!

What have I been up to lately... been on a mission to find new stockists for my AW15 range which will drop into stores starting in January, it has been very productive! This involved sending out the look book to various retailers and setting up appointments to take the actual range out to show them. Initially I thought I would try and pick up one stockist each season to grow the business organically and allow myself to get a good grasp on how long everything takes but the plan has sort of changed along the way! I have managed to pick up a number of new stockists (watch this space).

Along with the selling trip I have begun research and designing for Spring/Summer 2015 (yes more than a year in advance). This has been fun as it has meant that I have spent quite a while following various Fashion weeks from around the world, New York, London, Paris etc. So many fun trends coming through Sheer Paneling, Sports Luxe, longer hem lines and things so the new range is coming along. I have also been up to Akl again on a whirlwind one day trip to view fabrics so I am all set.

Due to the increase in sales I have had to look into out sourcing some of the manufacturing which will take some of the pressure off and helps with finishing for garments that I don't have the correct machines for. I have chosen to go with a local company here in the Hawkes Bay so I am able to keep on top of quality control and delivery times which is great.  Bad news is that I have had to cut out every garment by hand to save money on manufacturing, so 100 and something garments, countless hours and several boxes later the piles of unmade garments have been dropped off!!!

Well Ill keep it there for today - short and sweet but will get back on track going forward with posts to keep you better informed.

Love Loz x


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