Sorry not sorry

Hey guys so I have massively broken the cardinal rule of blogging and haven't posted in waaayyyyy too long. My apologies as I have been super caught up with manufacturing and have barely had time to glance over my emails let alone sit down and write a decent post! So this is what I propose going forward... I will post twice a week, once on a Tuesday and once on a Friday (this is an exception to the rule, the rule starts on friday??!! Just pretend this is Tuesday!!) 

Let me catch you up very briefly on what I have been doing:

does that explain it?

A quick view of a few of the completed eyelets

We were lucky enough to get the cover of Indulge magazine 
(thanks to the very lovely Amy Shanks from HB Today)

'mia undone's' feature in the mag

Almost simultaneously as the feature came out product hit Guilty as Sin

Fresh stock on the rack

Then more madness began as orders started coming in 
and I started sewing like a maniac

The hectic work room filling up with stock

Not to mention more labels being sewn in to garments continuously

Tracing off some of the graded patterns from the nest

Found this quote which sums it all up 
(not horrible days just super busy)

The sandwich board outside the shop...

To see this makes it all the more real

Another window display

A happy customer wearing one of 'mia undones' t-shirts!!

In the midst of all these amazing things I have seriously not stopped constructing. Its awesome to see people wearing my designs but I wonder sometimes whether consumers really stop to think about how much effort has gone into the garments they wear? Its not as simple as just whipping something up when you consider the time for designing and fabric selection, to toiling and pattern making, and then grading, and then cutting, and then sewing, and then labeling and pressing and preparation and the list goes on! 

  SOOO on that note I am now preparing to start designing for the next range so not only is there a LOT of work that goes into the garments, the turn around is super quick! 

 Off to find inspiration.

Happy TUESDAY (pretend Tuesday even though its Monday) 

See you all on Friday 


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